
Aerie loves working with her birds, as carrying for them is her life’s mission, and keeping them in perfect health and happiness is the thing that brings the most joy to her life.


Aerie loves the outdoors and so do her birds, the both of them spending much time getting fresh air as She takes them out frequently for hunting and training, as well as the occasional camping trip.


Aerie’s birds are the most company she needs, and the fulfilment she finds thought hem generally keeps the thought of other ponies out of her mind. That said, she still maintains a couple close friends who come to visit her.

Vorny Highlights

Lunar Rose being fed in a back alley by another pony.

Backalley Feeding

Copyright © 2020 Gyrotech
A sphynx pony swallowing up Lunar Rose.

Caught by Another

Copyright © 2024 SilentE / Gyrotech
Lunar Rose swallowing up another pony.

Having a Meal

Copyright © 2020 Anonymous / Gyrotech
Lunar Rose belching wiht a full belly.

With a Full Belly

Copyright © 2021 Anonymous / Gyrotech

Additional Info


Growing up as a kid, Aerie wasn’t the most popular kid in school, though she always knew that she loved birds. That girl could spend hours in an aviary just listening to the music and watching the creatures flutter around. One day, she found an injured eyass, though with no nests in sight she knew not where it came from. Nesting the sparrow hawk back to health, and later helping it learn to fly, Aerie gained her cutie mark of a falconry hood, and now that she’s grown, loves her job working with birds.


Aerie has a number of birds that she gives attention too. Her first bird is a gorgeous sparrow hawk, the same one that she raised as a foal all so many years ago, who she’s named Lief. A powerful golden eagle named Roc, and a silent tawny owl named Strix are her other two permeant birds. She uses these to put on displays and demonstrations for other ponies. Additionally Aerie works to nurse injued birds back to health and usually has one to three additional ones in her rookery.


Aerie knows her birds love to be outdoors, and when they are happy, she’s happy to. Often times, she’ll spend days out in the wilderness with her feathed friends, helping them with their hunts. Nothing to her is more relaxing than breathing in the fresh air of the world and sometimes one can stumble across neat things too. Once she found an injured phoenix and by the time she was done, it was flying again. Only a fiery red feather remains as an indication of her care.


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